Zodiac Quiz - 22 Trivia Questions!
Unlock the secrets of the Zodiac signs and astrology with this quiz, exploring the personality traits and characteristics associated with each sign.
What discipline emerged in the 8th century CE as a distinct discipline in Islam?
Which sign of the zodiac is associated with the constellation Hydra?
Which Greek astronomer is credited with the discovery of precession of the equator?
In which French cathedral is the Zodiac depicted in stained glass?
What shape is the Zodiac?
Which sign of the Zodiac is known as the Archer in the Indian zodiac?
What is the more common name for astrology?
Which sign of the Zodiac is represented by the Sun at the equinox in March?
What is the name of the Jewish form of magic, originating in Greco-Roman mythology?
Which sign of the Zodiac is known as the Crab?
Who is credited with the creation of the stained glass window in the South Rose window of Angers Cathedral?
How many decans are there in the Egyptian zodiac?
What is the first sign of the Zodiac?
Which sign of the zodiac takes up 5 times as much ecliptic longitude as Scorpius?
What is the name of the zodiacal system proposed by Cyril Fagan?
In which hemisphere would you find the constellations of the Zodiac?
In astrology, what is the term for the time it takes for a sign of the Zodiac to rise above the equator
Which system of astronomy takes into account the precession of the equinoxes?
What is the second sign of the Zodiac?
Who is credited with the creation of the Zodiac?
What is the name of the compass on a sundial?
Which Mesopotamian city was the first to catalogue the constellations?