United Nations Quiz - 53 Trivia Questions!
Which was the only country to withdraw from the United Nations in 1965?
Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?
How many permanent members are there on the Security Council of the United Nations?
Which US congressman introduced the American Sovereignty Restoration Act in 2007?
What disease was eradicated globally in 1980?
In 1971, the UN Security Council failed to prevent genocide in which country?
Where are the headquarters of the International Court of Justice?
Which is the most recent country to join the United Nations, doing so in July 2011?
Which country has been criticised by the United Nations for its treatment of Palestinians?
What colour are the founding members of the United Nations?
Which organ of the United Nations is charged with maintaining peace and security amongst nations?
What is the main deliberative body of the United Nations?
Who was the Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1960 to 1964, when he died in a plane crash?
In which city are the headquarters of the United Nations?
Which US President was responsible for the creation of the League of Nations?
Who was the US Secretary of State at the time of the Iraq War?
In November 1956, the first UN peacekeeping force was established to end what crisis?
How many principal operational organizations make up the United Nations (United Nations)?
In which city was the UN Earth Summit held in 1992?
At which London venue was the United Nations founded in 1941?
In which US city was the United Nations founded in 1945?
What is the most enduring divide in the views of the United Nations?
What was the name of the set of goals agreed by the UN General Assembly in 2000 to be achieved by 2015?
Which US political organisation campaigned against the United Nations in the 1960s?
Prior to the creation of the United Nations, what international organisation was formed to assist victims of war?
What is the majority required to pass a resolution in the UN General Assembly?
What is the name of the United Nations agency responsible for the eradication of smallpox, polio, and leprosy?
The United Nations has won many Nobel Prizes for what?
In what year was the United Nations founded?
Which African country led the Group of 77 at the United Nations in the 1970s?
Who was the Secretary General of the United Nations during the Korean War?
Who is the head of the United Nations Secretariat?
What is the primary purpose of the United Nations?
Who is the British historian who has written extensively about the United Nations?
The Cook Islands and Niue are self-governing states in free association with which country?
In which African country did the United Nations authorize military intervention in a civil war?
What is the name of the United Nations agency that provides food aid in times of famine?
Who was the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1971 to 1985?
What is the nickname of the UN peacekeeping troops?
What is the full name of the United Nations agency IAEA?
Who was the UN Secretary General at the time of the 'Oil for Food' scandal?
What is the full name of the United Nations Children's Fund?
What is the main role of the United Nations?
Who was the co-founder of the United Nations with Franklin D. Roosevelt?
The Trusteeship Council of the United Nations ceased to exist on 1st November 1994, with the independence of which country?
In which country did the United States withdraw from the UN mission in 1991?
Which future French President famously called the United Nations a machin (contraption)?
Which country voted against withdrawing from the League of Nations in 1933?
Who was the US Ambassador to the United Nations during the George W Bush administration?
What international organization has been criticized for its ineffectiveness?
At which conference in September 1944 did the Allies form the International Organisation for the Suppression of Terrorism (I.O.T.
What is the name of the UN agency that provides emergency loans to indebted countries?
Who was the US senator who resigned from the UN in 1964 after claiming that the organisation harboured American communists?