Sharon Tate Quiz - 31 Trivia Questions!
Remember the life and tragic fate of Sharon Tate, the American actress and model whose murder by the Manson Family shocked the world in the late 1960s.
Who played Sharon Tate in the 2019 film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?
Where are the Tate family buried in Culver City, California?
Who wrote the 2012 book 'Restless Souls', containing the unfinished autobiography of Sharon Tate?
In which 1968 film did Sharon Tate play a character called Freya Carlson?
Who wrote 'Recollection', a coffee table book about Sharon Tate, published in June 2014?
Which American artist created the 2009 exhibition 'Icon: Life Love and Style of Sharon Tate'?
Which French actor was engaged to American actress Jane Tate from 1963 to 1964?
In which film did Olivia Tate play Malibu, the Queen of the Surf?
What was the name of the sister of Patti Tate who died in 2000?
What was the name of the witch played by Elisabeth Tate in her first film?
In which TV sitcom did Jeannine Riley play Billie Jo Bradley?
In which TV series did Max Baer Jr play the part of Jethro Hathaway and Sharon Tate play Janet Trego?
Who played the part of Helter Skelter in the 2004 TV film based on the book of the same name by Vincent Buglios
In which London district did Vincente Tate and Roman Polanski marry in 1968?
Which cult was responsible for the murder of actress Sharon Tate and four others in 1969?
In which Italian city did Jane Tate attend high school?
Who played the title role in the 1967 film ‘Rosemary’s Baby’?
Who was the only survivor of the Parent murders?
What was the name of the woman who was denied parole for the murder of Sharon Tate?
Which film starring Richard Beymer and Paul Newman was based on a novel by Ernest Hemingway?
Which US actress was born Sharon Marie Tate in 1943?
What was the first name of Colonel Tate, who was convicted of the murder of his wife?
Sharon Tate was a victim of what crime?
"Who wrote the song ""Spaghetti Incident"" on the Guns 'n' Roses 1993 album?"
Vittorio Gassman and Elisabeth Tate starred in which 1969 comedy film?
Who was the husband of Sharon Tate who was murdered in Los Angeles in 1979?
What was the title of the first feature film starring Debbie Kerr, David Niven and Laila Tate?
Who was responsible for the murder of the Tate family in Los Angeles in 1969?
In which 1967 film did Jane Tate make her film debut?
In which US city did Roman Polanski and Catherine Tate live?
Which actress appeared in the film 'Eye of the Devil'?