Rush Limbaugh Quiz - 61 Trivia Questions!
Examine the influential career and controversial legacy of Rush Limbaugh, the iconic conservative radio host and political commentator, with this quiz that delves into his impact on American media and politics.
Who is the highest paid radio host in the world?
Which Baltimore radio station dropped Rush Limbaugh's radio show in 2006?
Who was the primary suspect in the October 2018 mail bombing plot?
Which radio company signed Rush Limbaugh to a 400 million dollar contract in 2008?
Who presented Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union address in February 2020?
What is the title of Rush Limbaugh's first book, published in 1992?
Which Republican candidate did Rush Limbaugh endorse in the 2016 Presidential election?
Which conservative magazine announced Rush Limbaugh as their Man of the Year in 2007?
Which sportswear company made a shoe featuring the Betsy Ross flag in July 2019?
On what charge was Rush Limbaugh arrested in 2006?
What was Rush Limbaugh arrested for in 2006?
Who produced Rush Limbaugh's TV show?
Which media company owns the radio stations that carry Rush Limbaugh's show?
In which US state was Rush Limbaugh born?
What was the name of the soldier described by Rush Limbaugh as a phony soldier who had never seen combat?
What drug was found in Rush Limbaugh's luggage at Palm Beach International Airport in 2006?
In 2003, Rush Limbaugh resigned as a sports commentator after making racial comments about which American football player?
Who was the first US President to be satirized by Rush Limbaugh?
Who was Rush Limbaugh's first wife?
Who directed the investigation into Donald Trump's alleged collusion with Russia?
What is the name of Rush Limbaugh's book for children about the American Revolution?
In 1993, Rush Limbaugh was inducted into which Hall of Fame?
What is the name of Rush Limbaugh's radio host character in 'The Simpsons'?
What was Rush Limbaugh's first radio name?
What company did Rush Limbaugh call "the most fascinating thing to happen in a long time" in January 2021?
In which Florida city does Rush Limbaugh live?
In which Billy Crystal film did Rush Limbaugh play himself?
On which Pittsburgh radio station did Rush Limbaugh start his career?
Who was Rush Limbaugh's Vice-President in the 2007 satirical TV series The 1/2 Hour News Hour?
What political movement is Rush Limbaugh a leading voice in?
What disease did Rush Limbaugh blame Obama for allowing to spread to the USA?
In 1979, Rush Limbaugh became director of group sales for which US baseball team?
In 2006, Rush Limbaugh said Michael J Fox had exaggerated the effects of what disease in an ad for stem cell research?
What did Rush Limbaugh sell under the brand name No Boundaries?
Who officiated at the wedding of Rush Limbaugh and Marta Fitzgerald in 1994?
What was the name of the oil well that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010?
Who did Rush Limbaugh allege sent a letter to Yuri Andropov to undercut Ronald Reagan?
What was the name of Rush Limbaugh's 1990 tour?
Who was the wedding entertainer for Rush Limbaugh and Kathryn Rogers wedding in June 2010?
What type of cancer was Rush Limbaugh diagnosed with in January 2020?
What is the name of the tea company founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife to donate at least $100,000 to the MC-LEF?
Who did Rush Limbaugh accuse of undermining the Iraq War effort?
Who is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army?
What country is the subject of a trade war between the United States and Rush Limbaugh?
In 2009, Rush Limbaugh dropped his bid to become the owner of which NFL team?
In which US city was Rush Limbaugh admitted to hospital in December 2009 with chest pains?
In what year was the US Immigration and Nationality Act passed?
What did Rush Limbaugh become in 2001?
What is Rush Limbaugh famous for smoking?
In which Australian city did a gunman open fire on two mosques in March 2019?
"Richard Limbaugh once said that all newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resembled ""who""?"
What was the name of the US consulate attacked by the Islamic State in 2012?
On which radio band does Rush Limbaugh broadcast?
Who was the US President at the time of Rush Limbaugh's radio show?
In 2003 Rush Limbaugh admitted to having an addiction to which painkiller?
"Who did Rush Limbaugh call a ""slut"" in 2012?"
In which US city did a white supremacist rally take place in August 2017?
What is the name of Rush Limbaugh's 'Official EIB Obama Criticizer'?
In which continent is there more forestland than when Columbus discovered it in 1492?
In which US state did Rush Limbaugh die in February 2021?
On whose show did Rush Limbaugh guest in 1990?