Roman Empire Quiz - 79 Trivia Questions!

In which year did both Romans and Barbarians live side by side in the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire?
Which Roman emperor banned the teaching of classical literature?
Which 4th century Latin author produced the Vulgate, the Latin version of the Bible?
Which country's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was higher than the rest of the Roman Empire during the Principate?
What was the Roman term for a network of cities?
Who was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity?
What was the minimum property requirement for a senator in ancient Rome?
Who was the first Roman emperor to have a global map of the known world displayed in public?
Which Roman philosopher was critical of gladiator spectacles, but found virtue in the courage and dignity of the defeated fighter?
Who was crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800 AD?
Which Roman temple was converted to a church in the 7th century?
Which Roman emperor is depicted on a relief panel on his column in Rome?
Which 2nd century Roman wrote about the importance of a good diet to good health?
What were the public spaces of the Roman Empire?
What language became the language of the East during the Roman Empire?
What was the primary mission of the Roman military?
Who was the most famous Roman historian of the Roman Empire?
What was the name of the Roman official who managed both state-owned property and the personal property of an emperor?
What religion was considered a legitimate religion by the Romans?
What was the name given to the unification of Italy in 1861?
What type of portraits were painted on the Fayum in Egypt?
Who was the successor to Trajan as Emperor of Rome?
In which city did Romans go to study rhetoric and philosophy?
What was the most commonly spoken language in Egypt during the Roman Empire?
Which Roman emperor was known as the 'King of Rust and Iron'?
Which Roman poet wrote the Aeneid?
What did the Romans use to supply water to their cities?
Las Medulas in Spain was one of the most important Roman mines for what?
What was the last remnant of the Roman Empire, which fell in 1453?
What name is given to the rite of deification of a Roman emperor?
Which Roman coin was worth four sesterces?
What name is given to the invasion of Roman territory by Germanic peoples?
Which city was redesigned and ordered by Augustus?
What type of stone was used to make Roman statues?
Who became Roman Emperor in 69 AD?
What was the distinctive national garment of the male citizen of ancient Greece?
What name was given to the multi-story apartment buildings in ancient Rome?
What was the name of the woodwind instrument played by the Romans at funerals?
What did the Romans call the public reading of literary works aloud?
What was the name of the form of theatre that featured risqué language and sex scenes, action sequences, and political satire
What was necessary for commerce in the Middle Ages?
What was the name given to a Roman family's townhouse?
What was the title given to Roman emperors in the 1st century BC?
Which Roman emperor had only two children who survived to adulthood?
What is the Roman term for 'illustrious man'?
What was the Flavian Ampitheatre better known as?
What name was given to a Roman marriage in which the woman was subject to her husband's authority?
What began with the fall of the Roman Empire?
Which aqueduct crosses the Gardon river in southern France?
What was the name of the Roman dining room?
What was the main requirement for aristocracy in the Roman Empire?
Which metal was produced by the Romans in the 2nd century AD at a rate unmatched until the industrial revolution?
Which Roman triumphal arch depicts a menorah and other spoils from the Temple of Jerusalem carried in triumph?
The Roman navy was mainly based on the Rhine and which other river?
What was the name of the Roman emperor's priesthood?
Which city was the capital of the Roman Empire from 330 to 1453?
What was the main food of the Romans?
What was the Roman name for roads?
Who was the final authority on Roman law?
What type of heating system was used in Roman baths?
Which peninsula was the main source of gold and silver for the Roman Empire?
What was the name given to the lower class of Roman society?
What was the name given to a charcoal cooker in ancient Rome?
What economic system was the Roman Empire based on?
What was the official language of the Roman Empire?
What was the staple diet of the Romans?
What was the name of the tax levied by the Romans on their citizens?
Who was the Roman Emperor during the Crisis of the Third Century AD?
What race were the majority of Roman slaves?
What sea did the Romans call Mare Nostrum?
What was the name of the official who wrote official documents for the Romans?
What was the Roman name for a teacher?
The Roman word 'ludus' refers to a training school for what?
For how many years did Roman soldiers have to serve in the army?
What name was given to slaves born in the household of a Roman?
What did Roman women not have the right to do?
In what country did the Romans have slaves?
In ancient Rome, what was the name of the equestrian order?
What is the Roman god of the dead, Di Manes, represented by on a funerary stele from the 3rd century