Richard Nixon Quiz - 61 Trivia Questions!
Who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times and Washington Post in 1971?
Where did US President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Nikita Brezhnev meet in 1974?
What was the name of the first arms control treaty signed by US President Richard Nixon and Soviet President Nikita Brezhnev?
Who replaced Archibald Cox as Nixon's Watergate special counsel?
Who was the controversial anti-communist senator in the US Senate during the presidency of Richard Nixon?
Who was the Chinese Premier at the time of US President Richard Nixon's visit to China in 1972?
Which Vice-President of the USA was responsible for the desegregation of schools in the South during the presidency of Richard Nixon?
Who was the Senate Minority Leader at the time of the Watergate break-in?
What was US President Richard Nixon's policy to turn the South into a Republican stronghold?
In which year did US President Richard Nixon die?
Who was Richard Nixon's Democratic opponent in the 1972 US Presidential election?
Who was the first Soviet leader to meet with US President Richard Nixon?
In 1969, US President Richard Nixon attended the opening day of which baseball team?
Who was US President Richard Nixon's 'enemy number one' when he was a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee
In which city were the peace Accords signed in 1973 to end the Vietnam War?
Who wrote the book 'Nixon's Shadow: The History of an Image'?
Which biographer described Richard Nixon as 'a strange man of uncomfortable shyness, who functioned best alone with his thoughts'?
Which US President was impeached in 1998 over his handling of the Watergate scandal?
What card game did US President Richard Nixon play?
Who did Richard Nixon defeat in his bid for the US Senate in 1950?
Who seized power from Salvador Allende in a 1973 military coup?
Who was the biographer of US President Richard Nixon?
Who was the Republican candidate who lost to Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 Presidential election?
What was the name of the policy advocated by US President Richard Nixon to devolve power to state and local elected officials?
What war was fought between Israel and Egypt in 1973?
Who succeeded Richard Nixon as US President in August 1974?
Who was the Soviet leader when Richard Nixon visited in 1986?
What was the name of the first American spaceflight to land men on the moon?
Who was Richard Nixon's Democratic opponent in the US Presidential election of 1968?
Who conducted the famous Watergate interview with Richard Nixon in 1977?
Who was Richard Nixon's running mate in the 1960 US Presidential election?
In which South American country did US President Richard Nixon meet with student protesters in 1958?
Who was the Democratic running mate to George McGovern in the 1972 US Presidential election?
Who was the Soviet leader at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What was the name of the Cambodian leader who was bombed by the USA in 1969?
What was US President Richard Nixon's first job in Washington DC in 1942?
Which university did US President Richard Nixon attend?
Which US oil company was founded by Armand Hammer in 1973?
Which US President pardoned Richard Nixon in 1974?
What was the name of US President Richard Nixon's high school?
What was the name of Richard Nixon's wife?
In the Bible, who was doomed to be traduced, double crossed, misunderstood and underappreciated?
What did US President Richard Nixon end in 1972?
What was the name of the college attended by US President Richard Nixon?
Who succeeded Richard Nixon as US President in 1976?
In 1986, former US President Richard Nixon addressed a convention of what profession?
What type of medicine did former US President Richard Nixon take?
What holiday was first celebrated on April 22, 1970, under the direction of US President Richard Nixon?
Who was the only US President to resign from office?
Who was the first Chinese leader to meet with US President Richard Nixon?
Who was US Secretary of State during Richard Nixon's presidency?
What was the medical condition of US President Richard Nixon when he died in 1974?
"Who wrote ""He Was a Crook"" for Rolling Stone magazine?"
Who was the Democratic candidate defeated by Richard Nixon in the 1972 US Presidential election?
What was the result of the 1973 Arab oil embargo on the USA?
What was the first name of US President Richard Nixon's brother?
Which US government agency was created by Richard Nixon in 1973?
What country was supported by the US under the Nixon Doctrine?
What was former US President Richard Nixon's profession before he became President of the USA?
What was the name of the U.S. foreign aid plan passed by the House of Representatives in 1947?
In which book of the Old Testament is the phrase 'They shall beat their swords into plowshares'?