Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Quiz - 60 Trivia Questions!

What is the name of the mental health text messaging service launched by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in May 2019?
Who was the head of the British Army at the time of Prince Harry's decision not to serve in Iraq?
Who was jailed in 2014 for plotting to murder Prince Harry?
Which magazine named Prince Harry as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018?
What position did Prince Harry give up in February 2021?
In June 2023, Prince Harry broke royal protocol by criticising what?
In which month of 2015 did Prince Harry leave the British Army?
What is the name of the charity founded by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in July 2019?
In which country did Prince Harry work as a Jackaroo during his gap year?
Which actress and model is the granddaughter of Edward Curzon, 6th Earl Howe?
What is the name of the charity founded by Prince William and Prince Harry to aid children orphaned by AIDS in Lesotho?
Who was the CEO of Twitter at the time of the attack on the US Capitol in January 2021?
Which climate change activist called Prince Harry on New Year's Eve in a prank call?
Who was the great-grandmother of Prince Harry?
On which Radio 4 programme did Prince Harry guest-edit in December 2017?
Who is the physician who suggested that Harry Potter could be suffering from PTSD, ADD, anxiety and depression based on his autobiography Spare
What is the name of the house in the grounds of Windsor Castle where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex live?
Where in London is Prince Harry's Army HQ?
In February 2021, the honourary military positions of Prince Harry were returned to which monarch?
Who duetted with Prince Harry on the song 'Unbroken'?
At which London palace do Prince Harry and William have their official residence?
What type of helicopter did Prince Harry pilot in Afghanistan in 2012?
What is the name of the US military medical centre in Bethesda, Maryland?
Which newspaper did Prince Harry sue for phone hacking in October 2019?
What is the name of the charity founded by Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2012?
What sporting event was launched by Prince Harry in 2014?
Which comedian made a joke about Prince George's godfather on Have I Got News For You in October 2013?
The Duke of Sussex, Doreen Lawrence, Sir Elton John and David Furnish launched legal action against which newspaper company in October 2022?
In which English county was Prince Harry photographed wearing a Nazi uniform in 2005?
What is the name of the daughter of Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex?
Where was the wedding of Prince Harry and the American actress, Markle, held in May 2018?
What is the name of Harry Potter's girlfriend?
At which Scottish castle did Queen Elizabeth II die in 2022?
Prince Harry competed in which sport at the 2013 Warrior Games?
In 2022, the Home Office refused to allow Prince Harry to pay for what services, claiming that he had 'exceptional status'?
Who is the author of the book Finding Freedom, published in 2021, about the marriage of Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex?
What is the name of the concert held by Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex in April 2021 to raise money for vaccines?
Who did Prince Harry succeed as Captain General of the Royal Marines in December 2017?
In which African country did Prince Harry make a TV appearance in 2004?
What is the name of the charitable foundation set up by Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex?
In which regiment of the Household Cavalry did Prince Harry become a second lieutenant in 2006?
What is the title of Harry Potter's memoir, published in 2023, in which he recounts his experiences in Afghanistan?
Who wrote the majority decision of the US Supreme Court in the case of Roe v Wade in June 2022?
Who was the first member of the British Royal Family to serve in a war zone?
Who is the father of Prince Harry?
Who joined Prince Harry at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games in Orlando in October 2015?
In January 2020, the Duke of Sussex sued which newspaper over a photo of him with elephants?
What is the name of Harry Potter's brother?
Harry Potter filed a legal challenge against the Home Office and which other organisation in 2022?
Which news agency was fined by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for publishing unauthorised photographs of their family in Canada in March 2020?
Harry, Prince of Wales, has taken up which sport as a way of coping with mental stress and 'letting out aggression'?
Harry, Prince of Wales, is a member of which Royal House?
Who is the co-creator and executive producer of the documentary series 'The Me You Can't See' with Prince Harry?
What is the name of the San Francisco-based mental health start-up founded by Prince Harry in 2021?
What is the name of the Twitter analytics service that released a report in October 2021 claiming that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were the
Who did Harry Potter break up with after his break-up with Davy Jones?
Harry, Prince of Wales, visited Phoenix House in Catterick Garrison in North Yorkshire in 2015, a recovery centre run by which charity?
Harry, Prince of Wales, is a player of which sport?
What is the official residence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex?
Harry, Prince of Wales, became Duke of which British county in 2018?