Osama bin Laden Quiz - 32 Trivia Questions!

Examine the life and actions of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This quiz delves into the history of Al-Qaeda, the global impact of his actions, and the subsequent hunt for the world's most wanted man.
Who was the Pakistani journalist who interviewed Osama bin Laden in 1997?
Who was Osama bin Laden's bodyguard from 1997 to 2001?
Which US President pledged to kill Osama bin Laden?
In which city was Osama bin Laden's first bombing?
In which country was Osama bin Laden reported to be hiding in 2010?
Who wrote a letter to Barack Obama urging him to do something about climate change?
Which US President ordered a series of cruise missile strikes on Osama bin Laden's targets in Sudan and Afghanistan in 1998?
What was the name of Osama bin Laden's half-brother who died in a plane crash in 1988?
In which country was Osama bin Laden born?
In which country did Osama bin Laden lead a massacre of Shia Muslims in 1988?
What did Osama bin Laden reject on religious grounds?
In a 2004 video, Osama bin Laden accused which US President of being complicit in the 9/11 attacks?
Who was the first wife of Osama bin Laden?
What did Osama bin Laden study at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia?
What nationality was Osama bin Laden?
In which Pakistani city was Osama Bin Laden killed in May 2011?
In which African capital city did Osama bin Laden establish a base for the Mujahideen?
Who is the President of Afghanistan?
What is the name of the Pakistani daily newspaper that published a report on Osama bin Laden in 2012?
What was the code name for the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011?
In which Libyan city was Osama bin Laden indicted on terrorism charges in 2005?
In which African city was the US embassy bombed in 1998?
Which organisation was responsible for the hunt for Osama bin Laden?
What organisation was founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988?
On June 7, 1999, Osama bin Laden became the 456th person to be added to the FBI's list of what?
In which country did Osama bin Laden grow up?
In what country did Osama bin Laden live?
Who was the son of Mohammed and Hamida Al-Attas?
What did Osama bin Laden describe as a religion of ignorance?
Who was the top US commander in Afghanistan at the time of Osama bin Laden's capture?
In which Bosnian city was Osama bin Laden arrested in 2001?
What religion was Osama Bin Laden?