Napoleon Quiz - 90 Trivia Questions!

Conquer the history of Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military genius and emperor who reshaped Europe. Test your knowledge of his campaigns, reforms, and the enduring legacy of his rule in this quiz.
In which city was Napoleon crowned King of Italy in 1805?
Who was the leader of the Thermidorian Reaction who gave Napoleon Bonaparte command of his troops at the Battle of Toulon
Which military theorist regarded Napoleon as a genius in the operational art of war?
Who commanded the British forces at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815?
Who painted 'The Coronation of Napoleon' in 1804?
In which country did Napoleon Bonaparte cross the Alps in 1800?
What was the name of Napoleon's illegitimate son?
In which French town was a statue of Napoleon III unveiled in 1858?
Which English poet wrote a poem about Napoleon's escape from St Helena?
Who was Napoleon's brother who became King of Spain in 1808?
Which French general fought the Battle of the Pyramids in 1798?
Who commanded the British fleet at the Battle of the Nile in 1798?
On which island was Napoleon the Great born?
What colour was Napoleon's uniform when he was Emperor of France?
In which French city was Napoleon baptised in 1771?
Which Pope signed a Concordat with Napoleon in 1801?
Which territory was sold to the USA by Napoleon for 15 million dollars in 1803?
What was the cause of Napoleon's death?
Who was the Austrian general who surrendered to Napoleon at the Battle of Ulm in 1805?
What was Napoleon's first name?
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte's French Foreign Minister from 1797 to 1799?
Who was the commander of the French Corps at the Battle of Pratzen Heights in World War I?
Which island did Napoleon Bonaparte conquer in 1798?
Which French overseas territory was abolished of slavery in 1794 and then reinstated in 1802?
What was the name of Napoleon's older brother?
In which city did Napoleon leave his army in a sledge in 1812?
What was the largest unit of the French army during the Napoleonic Wars?
What type of stone is the sarcophagus in which Napoleon is entombed at Les Invalides in Paris?
What was the name of the Kingdom of Prussia that was created by Napoleon as part of his peace terms with Russia?
On which river did Napoleon and Alexander I meet in 1807?
Who is the author of 'Memory and Political Imagination: The Legend of Napoleon Revisited'?
Where was Napoleon exiled to after the Battle of Waterloo?
What was the largest battle of Napoleon's career?
What did Napoleon use to legitimize his rule?
What country was ruled by Napoleon?
What was the name of the stone discovered by Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt in 1798?
What group did Napoleon emancipate in France?
At which battle of August 1812 did Napoleon defeat the Russian army?
Who was the King of Bourbon at the time of the Battle of Grenoble in 1815?
Which country did Napoleon defeat in the War of the Oranges in 1801?
What was the name of Napoleon's regent when he abdicated in favour of his son?
Which treaty was signed by Napoleon Bonaparte and Austria in 1801?
Which city was captured by Napoleon's troops in November 1808?
What was the name of Napoleon's wife?
What disease killed most of Napoleon's troops in Egypt in 1799?
What was the name of the confederation of German states formed by Napoleon after the Battle of Austerlitz in 1806?
Who was the mistress of King Louis XVI of France, who married him in 1796?
Who wrote the play L'Aiglon in 1900?
At which battle of 1805 did Napoleon defeat the Holy Roman Empire?
What type of cartoons were popular during the Napoleonic Wars?
Which French philosopher wrote 'The Spirit of Conquest and Usurpation' in 1814?
What was the name of Napoleon's first wife?
What card game is named after Napoleon?
What was the name of Napoleon's palace in Paris where he lived after his abdication from the throne in 1814?
What was the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars?
Who was the captain of the British ship on which Napoleon surrendered in 1815?
At which battle of 1813 did Napoleon defeat the forces of Prussia?
The Austrian army crossed which river to invade Bavaria in April 1804?
At which battle of June 1814 did Napoleon Bonaparte defeat the Austrian army?
Toussaint L'Ouverture was the de facto dictator of which French West Indian colony during the Napoleonic Wars?
Who was the Emperor of Austria at the outbreak of the War of 1809?
What is the highest decoration in France?
Which city was the venue for the peace negotiations between Napoleon and the Allies in 1813?
At which battle of 1809 did Napoleon defeat the British forces and end their participation in the War of Spanish Succession?
What was the name of Napoleon's central bank?
Which war was fought between France and the Allies in Spain?
Which country was part of the French Empire in 1812?
Which river did the French army cross in 1812?
What is the name of the giant statue of a head in the desert?
What was Napoleon Bonaparte's favourite military tactic?
In Napoleonic warfare, what was the term for a square battalion?
Where was Napoleon's last resting place, where rumours of his return were rife?
Napoleon Bonaparte took command of the French army in which country in 1797?
What poison was found in Napoleon's hair?
In which country did the Battle of Walcheren take place during the Napoleonic Wars?
Who wrote 'Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign'?
In exile, Napoleon wrote a book about which historical figure?
In which country did Napoleon form an alliance with Fath-Ali Shah Qajar in 1806?
Napoleon Bonaparte conquered which country in 1805?
Which French port was blockaded by the British during the Napoleonic Wars?
Who did Napoleon sign a Concordat with in 1804?
What was abolished in Poland during the reign of Napoleon I?
Which future Duke commanded the British army during the Peninsular War?
Which city did Napoleon Bonaparte force to surrender in 1797?
At which battle of 1794 did Napoleon Bonaparte defeat the Austrians?
Who was the King of Spain at the time of the Napoleonic Wars?
Which river did Napoleon cross when he invaded Prussia in 1805?
In which European city did artillery fire on the Royalists on 13th Vendémiaire?
Which French revolutionary leader was the brother of Napoleon Bonaparte?
Where is the tomb of Napoleon I?