Mahatma Gandhi Quiz - 64 Trivia Questions!

Discover the life and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, a global symbol of nonviolent resistance and civil rights activism. This quiz will explore his role in India's struggle for independence and his lasting legacy.
Who composed the 1979 opera Satyagraha?
In 1934, Mahatma Gandhi resigned from which political party?
Who wrote the controversial book Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India?
In which city will a statue of Mahatma Gandhi be unveiled in 2022?
Who was elected President of the Indian National Congress in 1938 despite the opposition of Mahatma Gandhi?
What is the date of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday?
Who wrote the novel 'Le Jour du Jugement Dernier', in which Gandhi is judged by God at the Last Judgement?
Which US President said he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's message of non-violence?
What was the name of the 14 year old bride who married Mohandas K. Gandhi in 1883?
Which 20th century French philosopher was critical of the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi?
For what crime was Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned for six years in 1922?
Who played the part of Mahatma Gandhi in the 1982 film 'Gandhi'?
Which British Prime Minister was a vocal opponent of Mahatma Gandhi?
Which Nobel Peace Prize winner was a great admirer of Mahatma Gandhi?
In which year did Mahatma Gandhi call for a riot against British rule in India?
In which Indian city was Mahatma Gandhi's ashes buried in 1948?
Which Archbishop unveiled a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Pietermaritzburg in 1993?
In which 2006 Bollywood film does Mahatma Gandhi appear?
What was the name of Mahatma Gandhi's son who lit the pyre at his funeral in 1948?
Which Hindu nationalist was responsible for the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi?
Which physicist described Mahatma Gandhi as 'a role model for the generations to come'?
Which Beatles album cover was originally going to feature a picture of Mahatma Gandhi?
Between 1914 and his death in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was the only person to leave which country?
In which city did Mahatma Gandhi call for India's independence in 1928?
Who was the British colonial secretary at the time of Mahatma Gandhi's stay in South Africa?
Which British army officer ordered his troops to open fire on a crowd of Sikhs and Hindus at Jallianwala Bagh in 1919
What was Mahatma Gandhi's method of non-violent protest?
At which university did Mahatma Gandhi study from 1888 to 1889?
What was the religion of Mahatma Gandhi's parents?
In which Indian city was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?
What was the title of Mahatma Gandhi's first book, published in 1909?
What was the name of Gandhi's farm in South Africa?
In 1889, Cardinal Manning mediated the settlement of a dispute between what trade union and the British government?
Who was one of Mahatma Gandhi's lieutenants who was imprisoned by Britain for his part in the Indian independence movement?
What was the name of Mahatma Gandhi's newspaper?
In which city did Mahatma Gandhi study law?
Who was the leader of the Indian National Congress before Mahatma Gandhi?
What was the political philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi?
What item of clothing did Mahatma Gandhi wear as a symbol of his identity with the poor?
In which Indian language did the Andhra Pradesh peasantry first hear about Mahatma Gandhi as a folk hero?
What did Mahatma Gandhi call for in a 1942 speech in Mumbai?
At which jail was Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned?
What was the first major crop that Mahatma Gandhi protested against?
Who was Mohandas Karamchand better known as?
Who was the leader of the untouchables during the Indian independence movement?
From which London building was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated in 1948?
In 1893, Mahatma Gandhi set sail for which country to be a lawyer for Abdullah's cousin?
Which American civil rights activist described Mahatma Gandhi as 'the little brown saint'?
In which South African colony did Mahatma Gandhi work?
What was the name of the cloth that Mahatma Gandhi exhorted Indians to wear instead of British-made textiles?
Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi?
What was the name of the British law passed in 1919 to punish Mahatma Gandhi for civil disobedience?
Who was the Chief Minister of the Indian state of Odisha from 1857 to 1861?
What was the name of the political party founded by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa?
Where was Mahatma Gandhi imprisoned for two years in 1944?
What was the name of Mahatma Gandhi's 25 day march from Ahmedabad to Dandi in March 1921?
In which Indian city was Mahatma Gandhi born?
What was the native language of Mahatma Gandhi?
In a speech in 1896, Mahatma Gandhi criticized the whites of South Africa for degrading Indians to the level of
What religious groups migrated from Pakistan to India during the 1947 Partition of India?
In the Boer War, what was the name of Gandhi's stretcher-bearers?
What was the name of Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent philosophy?
What was the name of Mahatma Gandhi's son?
Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact?