Kang the Conqueror Quiz - 21 Trivia Questions!
Dive into the Marvel Cinematic Universe's expanding multiverse with this quiz focused on Kang the Conqueror, the time-traveling antagonist set to shake up the superhero landscape.
In which comic book did the character Kang first appear?
In which video game does Kang the Conqueror appear?
In which film does the villain Kang the Conqueror make his feature film debut?
In the Marvel Comics series ‘Infinity Countdown’, who was sent back in time by Kang the Conqueror?
What is the name of the X-Men/Spider-Man trilogy by Tom DeFalco featuring the villain Kang?
Who absorbed Mantis and Kang in a bid to take over the Earth?
What type of ray gun did Rama-Tut use to sap the wills of humans?
In Marvel Comics, what is the name of the future incarnation of both Kang and Rama-Tut?
In Marvel Comics, who is the female version of the Kang?
What is the name of the son of Kang the Conqueror in the Marvel Comics series ‘The Avengers’?
Qeng Gryphon is a variation of which fictional character?
What was the name of Victorex Prime's holographic envoy in the film 'Transformers'?
In Marvel Comics, Kang is the leader of which group of super-villains?
In Marvel Comics, Kang the Conqueror is the arch-enemy of which group of super-heroes?
Which comic book hero has a kangaroo named 'Kanga-Roo the Conqueror'?
In the X-Men series of comics, what is the name of the super-mutant who teleports?
What is the name of Kang's time-machine in the Marvel Comics series 'Captain Marvel'?
In the Marvel Comics, what cartoon character named himself Frederick Kang?
Which group of super-heroes are aided by Immortus and Rama-Tut?
In Marvel Comics, Kang the Conqueror appears as a recurring enemy of which super-hero?
What is the name of the all-powerful telepath known as the Overmind in the Marvel Comics series ‘Squadron Supreme’?