Hong Kong Quiz - 41 Trivia Questions!
Delve into the dynamic culture and history of Hong Kong, a bustling metropolis with a unique blend of Eastern and Western influences, in this quiz that showcases its vibrant neighborhoods and iconic landmarks.
Who won Hong Kong's first Olympic gold medal in 1996?
What is the official national anthem of Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is the most popular tourist destination in China, but what is its nearest competitor?
What is the oldest Western-style building in Hong Kong?
Which country ended its preferential trade treatment of Hong Kong in July 2020?
What was the name of Hong Kong's first over-the-air television station?
What is the name of Hong Kong's first public transport system?
What is the oldest symphony orchestra in Hong Kong?
Under what policy did post-war governments avoid direct intervention in the economy?
What is the name of the branch of government that interprets laws and overturns those inconsistent with the basic law?
What name is given to the mixed-use tenement buildings constructed during the colonial era in Hong Kong?
What is the legal system in Hong Kong based on?
Which European country acquired a lease on Macau in 1557?
What is the most popular religion in China?
Who is the most prolific martial arts film actor in Hong Kong?
What is the national airline of Hong Kong?
What type of climate is Hong Kong?
What is the name of the Hong Kong diploma awarded at the end of secondary schooling?
Who is responsible for enforcing the law in a region?
Which country occupied Hong Kong between 1941 and 1945?
The earliest known human traces in Hong Kong date back to which period?
What is the name of the ferry that crosses Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong?
What is the name of Hong Kong's first university, founded in 1911?
What disease caused a major economic downturn in Hong Kong in 2003?
What is the name of the contactless smart card widely accepted on public transport in Hong Kong?
What is the name of Hong Kong's harbour?
In 1757, the Qing dynasty established what system to regulate trade between China and Europe?
Hong Kong was first incorporated into China during which dynasty?
What was the name of the political protests in Hong Kong in 2014?
On which side of the road do motorists drive in Hong Kong?
What is the most commonly spoken language in Hong Kong?
What is the world's fourth-largest financial centre, ninth largest exporter, and eighth largest importer?
What is the main economic activity in Hong Kong?
What is the name of Hong Kong's largest tax-paying corporation?
What is the term for a school that is run by the government?
What is visible on a satellite image?
What law passed in Hong Kong in June 2020 criminalises ‘insults to the national anthem of China’?
What is the currency of Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is a territory of which country?
What country does most of the domestic help in Hong Kong come from?
What type of broadband internet is widely available in the British Overseas Territories?