Google Maps Quiz - 28 Trivia Questions!
Who leaked documents in 2014 that revealed the NSA and GCHQ spying on Google Maps users?
Which company replaced Tele Atlas as their primary supplier of geospatial data in the US version of Maps in October 2009?
Google Maps was removed from the default installation of the mobile operating system iOS 6 in 2012 by which company?
In 2016 Google was offered conditional access to the geographic data of which country?
Which US band made a music video using Google Street View to show the viewer their own childhood home?
Which US city was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005?
What is the name of Google's web-based map application?
What feature of Google Maps was launched in 2007?
What is the name of the Google app that received a 15th anniversary redesign in February 2020?
What is the name of Google's partner in China?
What is required to view Google Street View?
What was the name of the Google Maps feature that allowed users to share their location with other people?
What is the name of the projection used by Google Maps to project the Earth onto a flat surface?
What is the name of the satellite used by Google Maps?
The GCJ-02 coordinate system is used in which country?
What is the scripting language used by Google Maps?
What type of maps were added to Google Maps in 2011?
What is the name of the navigation app acquired by Google in 2013?
In 2015, Google Maps pointed to what building when searching for the racial epithet 'nigger'?
What is the name of Google's online map-making tool that allows users to add, correct, and improve the maps of the world?
What kind of view is the satellite view on Google Maps?
In which African country is Senghor on the Rocks?
What was the name of Google's mobile phone operating system launched in 2008?
Which country has a land border with China?
Brooklyn Heights and Silver Lake Heights are neighbourhoods in which US city?
What is given to users for adding places, videos, photos, etc., to OpenStreetMap?
What is the name of the mode in Google Chrome that allows you to surf the web without saving your data?
The Isla Calero in the delta of the San Juan River is a border between Costa Rica and which other country?