Earth Quiz - 53 Trivia Questions!

Which 19th century physicist estimated the age of the Earth to be between 20 million and 400 million years?
In which month does the Summer Solstice occur in the Northern Hemisphere?
What covers the surface of the Earth's polar regions?
Which volcano in Ecuador is the farthest point from the centre of the Earth's surface?
In which continent did the first humans live?
Where is the main part of the Earth's magnetic field generated?
What was the name of the planet that collided with the Earth and formed the moon?
Which isotope of Potassium is the major heat-producing element in the Earth's mantle?
What flows from the interior of the Earth to the surface?
What shape was the Earth believed to be in ancient Greece?
What is the third planet from the sun?
How long does it take the Earth to orbit the moon?
What will the Sun become when it expands to 250 times its present radius?
What is the name of the largest moon in our solar system?
In Greek mythology, who was the goddess of the Earth?
What is the name of the disk in our solar system out of which the Earth and other planets were formed?
What are formed by the accumulation of snow and ice in the coldest regions of the world?
What is the name for the shape of the Earth's surface?
What shape is the Earth due to its rotation?
Which gas escapes from the Earth's atmosphere more quickly than any other?
Which layer of the Earth's atmosphere is visible at the horizon?
What is the largest satellite in orbit around the Earth?
What name is given to the layer of the Earth's mantle beneath the lithosphere?
The main apparent motion of celestial bodies in the Earth's sky is to which direction?
What is the most common name for the water that covers most of the Earth's surface?
What is the name of the process by which the Earth's surface is continually shaped by earthquakes and volcanoes?
What is the name of the process by which the Earth's crust forms?
What name is given to the winds that blow in the equatorial region below 30 degrees latitude?
What is the acceleration that is imparted to objects due to the distribution of mass within the Earth?
What is the main type of rock found in the Earth's crust?
What dominates the surface of the Earth?
What flows through the Earth's magnetosphere?
What is the name for the Earth's magnetic field in space?
What is the upper layer of the Earth's atmosphere?
What is produced by the Earth's biosphere?
What colour is the phytoplankton at the surface of the ocean?
What does the Earth provide for living organisms?
Which hemisphere of the Earth has topography relative to the earth's centre, instead of mean sea level?
In which direction does the Earth orbit the Sun?
What colour is the surface of the Earth?
What name is given to the precipitation of water vapor in the atmosphere?
What is the main greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere?
What is the world's leading intergovernmental organisation?
What is the name of the layer in the Earth's atmosphere that blocks ultraviolet radiation?
What is the opposite of perihelion?
What is the name of the Aurora Borealis caused by a magnetic storm in the Earth's magnetosphere?
What is the most abundant biome on Earth?
What is the name for the layer of the Earth's interior between the crust and the lithosphere?
What is the only celestial body where humans have lived beyond the Earth's surface?
Which US city has a temperate climate?
What is the main constituent of the Earth's atmosphere?
What is the most common fossil fuel found in the Earth's crust?
What are the major tectonic features of the Earth?