Dick Cheney Quiz - 61 Trivia Questions!
Examine the political career and controversial policies of Dick Cheney, the former Vice President of the United States, with this quiz that explores his role in shaping U.S. foreign and domestic policy.
Which former US First Lady was escorted by Vice-President Dick Cheney at the commissioning of the USS Ronald Reagan in 2003?
Who called Barack Obama a 'weak President' during an interview in 2014?
Who played Vice President Al Cheney in the 2018 film Vice?
Who did former US Vice-President Dick Cheney support in the 2016 Presidential election?
Who wrote the Washington Post articles that exposed the influence of Vice-President Dick Cheney on the Bush administration?
Who wrote the book Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George H W Bush?
Which US President had the best national security team?
In 1986, US Vice-President Dick Cheney voted against a resolution calling on South Africa to release which political prisoner?
How long does a former US Vice-President receive protection from the Secret Service?
What medical condition was former US Vice-President Dick Cheney treated for in 2007?
What is the title of former US Vice-President Dwight Cheney's memoir, published in August 2011?
At which university did Richard Cheney drop out of his doctoral program in 1966 to work as a staff aide for US governor Warren Knowles?
Who was Richard Nixon's Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity?
What company did former US Vice-President Dick Cheney serve as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer from 1995 to 2000?
What character has been compared to former US Vice-President Dick Cheney?
Who was Al Gore's running mate in the 2000 US Presidential election?
Under which US President did Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney serve in the White House?
In May 2011, Vice-President Dick Cheney praised the Obama administration for the capture and death of whom?
At which university did former US Vice-President Dwight Cheney receive an honorary doctorate in 2007?
What is the title of the book co-authored by former US Vice-President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz?
Who was Richard Cheney's predecessor as US Vice-President?
Who did Dick Cheney endorse as US President in 1980?
In which US state was former US Vice-President Richard Cheney born?
Who did Dick Cheney replace as US Secretary of Defense in 1989?
Who was the Republican nominee for the US Presidency in the 2008 Presidential election, succeeding Dick Cheney?
Who were the opponents of George W Bush in the 2000 US Presidential election?
In which country was US Vice-President Dick Cheney attacked by a suicide bomber in February 2007?
Who was the successor to Mikhail Gorbachev as President of Russia?
Who was the Under Secretary of Defense for policy under Vice-President Dick Cheney?
Former US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, was a member of the House of Representatives for which state?
Who was the head of the U.S. Central Command during the 1990 Persian Gulf War?
In 1986, Vice President Dick Cheney voted against overriding Ronald Reagan's veto of a bill to impose economic sanctions on
Which US President was criticised by Vice-President Dick Cheney after the attempted bombing of a Dutch airliner in 2009?
Vice-President Dick Cheney supported the US invasion of which country?
Which US government agency is responsible for the protection of classified information in the Executive branch of the U.S. government?
Who was the Deputy Secretary of State at the time of the Valerie Plame affair?
Which university did former US Vice-President Dick Cheney drop out of?
Who was the Speaker of the House of Representatives when Dick Cheney was Vice-President?
Who was Pope Benedict XVI's Vice-President?
What movement did former US Vice-President Dick Cheney describe as a 'positive influence on the Republican Party'?
Who was the leader of Iraq at the time of the cease-fire in 1994?
In 1992, US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney sent the first of 26,000 troops to where?
Former US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, served on the board of which organisation between 1987 and 1989?
In 2009, former US Vice-President Dwight Cheney said that what should be regulated at a state level?
In March 2017 former US Vice-President Dick Cheney called what country's interference in the US Presidential election an act of war?
What crime was former US Vice-President Joe Libby convicted of in March 2007?
Who was the Vice-President of the USA during the George W Bush administration?
What device was implanted in former US Vice President Dick Cheney's heart in 2005?
Before becoming US Vice President, George W Bush was a member of the board of advisors of which organisation?
Who was US Secretary of State during the 2008 US Presidential election?
In 1993, former US Vice-President Dick Cheney became a director of which think tank?
Who was the interviewer with former US Vice-President Dwight D. Cheney on the fifth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq?
In which country did US President Dwight D. Cheney persuade the Kingdom to allow bases for US ground troops and war planes
What did former US Vice-President Dwight Cheney use to deny Congress access to his records?
In which year was the US budget passed?
What is the name of former US Vice-President Dwight Cheney's first daughter?
Who is the daughter of former US Vice-President Dwight Cheney?
In which war did US Vice-President Dick Cheney serve?
Who was the Vice-President of the USA before Dick Cheney?
What was the name of the National Endowment for the Humanities that was chaired by Lynne Ackerman from 1986 to 1996?
In which part of the body did former US Vice-President Dick Cheney have a blood clot in 2005?