David Berkowitz Quiz - 34 Trivia Questions!
In which city did David Berkowitz kill six people in 1977?
In which prison was David Berkowitz imprisoned?
What was the name of the Columbia University student who was shot and killed in 1977?
Who was the New York Daily News columnist who received a letter from the '44 Caliber Killer' in May 1977?
In 1979, David Berkowitz was slashed on the left side of which part of the body?
What was the name of the 15 year old girl stabbed by David Berkowitz on Christmas Eve 1975?
Who was the journalist who wrote about the single-shooter theory of the 9/11 attacks?
What was the name of the 26 year old secretary who was shot and killed in Queens, New York in 1977?
What was the name of the Yonkers cultist who shot and wounded Sam Carr's dog in 1977?
What cult did David Berkowitz claim to be a member of?
What was the name of the blond suspect in the 1977 Freund-Diel murder case in New York?
What type of revolver was used in the murders of Lauria and Voskerichian in 1977?
What is the name of the druid devil who is said to be the son of Sam?
What was the name of David Berkowitz's last victim?
Who wrote a letter to David Berkowitz forgiving him for the murder of her daughter Stacy?
Who wrote a letter to the police expressing his determination to continue his work, and taunting them for their fruitless efforts to capture him?
What type of gun was used in the shootings in Queens and the Bronx?
In which New York suburb were Donna DeMasi and Joanne Lomino attacked by a man dressed in military fatigues in 1976?
What was the name of the white male who admitted to the murder of Donna Lauria and Valerie Valenti in New York in 1993?
In which New York borough did David Berkowitz commit a series of murders?
What was the name of the restaurant where David Berkowitz shot David Diel?
Michael Badalucco played the part of Berkowitz in which 1999 film?
In 1971, David Berkowitz, at the age of 17, enlisted in which branch of the U.S. military?
What was the name of the New York police officer who was shot by David Berkowitz?
Who was shot in the neck by a blond man in New York in 1981?
What was the nickname of the serial killer David Berkowitz?
What was the first name of Richard Berkowitz?
Who was the detective who interrogated David Berkowitz in 1977 about his involvement in the Watergate scandal?
In which New York borough did David Berkowitz grow up?
What cult was Michael Berkowitz a member of?
What was the name of David Berkowitz's lawyer who sued him for misappropriating his letters?
How many murders did David Berkowitz commit in 1977?
What was the name of Sam Berkowitz's black Labrador dog that he claimed was possessed by a demon?
In which New York borough was David Berkowitz shot and killed in 1976?