Cat Quiz - 39 Trivia Questions!
Cat lovers, this quiz is for you! Test your feline knowledge about these mysterious and beloved creatures. From their history as domesticated pets to their behavior and various breeds, discover fascinating facts about cats in this trivia challenge.
Which Egyptian goddess was often depicted in the form of a cat?
What is the scientific name for the domestic cat?
How many claws does a cat have on each front paw?
What are the backward-facing spines on a cat's tongue called?
What is a female cat called?
What type of animals are killed by cats in Australia?
What type of animal did the ancient Greeks and Romans keep as pets?
The cat is the only domesticated member of which family of animals?
What is the main prey of domestic cats?
What type of cat has the largest territory in a colony?
According to mythology, how many lives does a cat have?
What is the name of the reflex that enables a cat to right itself when it falls?
What type of cat is considered bad luck in many cultures?
What is a male cat called?
How old is a cat when it reaches puberty?
How many taste buds does a cat have on its tongue?
How old is a cat when it is ready to go to its new home?
What name is given to domestic cats that have reverted to a wild state?
What part of the body does a cat have that can be protractible and retractable?
What is the name of a male cat?
What part of the body does a cat walk on?
What are the vibrissae on a cat's face called?
What name is given to the colouring of a cat's coat?
What name is given to the type of animal that is more active in the morning and evening?
What is the English word for the animal derived from the Latin word 'tomcat', first used at the beginning of the 6th century
What is the most likely sex of a cat to fight?
What are the outer ears of a cat called?
What is the most common vocalization of a cat?
In which season of the year does a domestic cat have kittens?
Cat pelts have been used for superstitious purposes in what practice?
What is a cat's way of making itself appear larger and more threatening?
The domesticated cat was first tamed on which Mediterranean island in 7500BC?
What is the most powerful part of a cat's skull?
What does a cat hunt?
What type of prey does a cat hunt?
The domestic cat is found on all continents except which?
What is the name of the queen bee's egg, formed 124 hours after conception?
How many cats are there in the world?
What shape is the pupil of a cat's eye?