Canada Quiz - 51 Trivia Questions!
Discover the natural beauty and cultural diversity of Canada in this quiz. From its stunning landscapes to its multicultural cities, challenge your knowledge of the second-largest country in the world.
Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada?
Which Canadian author has won two Booker Prizes?
Who was the first European to explore the east coast of Canada?
Who painted 'The Death of General Wolfe' in 1771?
What is the largest Christian religion in Canada?
In which war did Laura Secord warn James FitzGibbon of an impending American attack at Beaver Dams?
In which country did Canada deploy troops in 2001?
Which Canadian artist painted 'The Jack Pine' in 1916?
What is the most common non-official first language in Canada?
What was the name of Canada's first National Park, established in 1885?
In which city was the United Nations Conference held in May 1945?
Who wrote the music for the Canadian National Anthem?
What became Canada's third territory in 1999?
Which French explorer arrived in North America in 1603 and was the first European to establish permanent settlements in the area?
What is the name of Canada's national day, which was previously called Dominion Day?
Who was the Prime Minister of Canada during the Great Depression?
The first inhabitants of North America are generally believed to have migrated from where?
How many members are there in the House of Commons of Canada?
What is the most common ethnic origin of Canadians?
What is the name of Canada's central bank?
What colour is New Spain on a 1750 map of North America?
What is the second largest financial centre in North America?
What was the name of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, founded by the USA and Canada during the Cold War?
Canada has the highest per-capita membership in what type of financial institution in the world?
What is the largest ethnic group in Canada?
Which Canadian province has the mildest winters?
What is the most commonly used sign language in Canada?
What name is given to the indigenous peoples of Canada?
What is the capital of Canada?
Which country was formed by the union of three British North American colonies in 1867?
What is the leading cause of death in Canada?
What is the name of Canada's vast oil sands?
In which sport did Canada win a gold medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics?
What is the most important industry in Canada?
Canada was a founding member of which international organisation?
What country does Canada import most of its film and television content from?
Which Canadian province was a Crown Colony until 1949, when it voted to join the country?
What is the top country of origin for immigrants to Canada?
Which two countries share the longest undefended border in the world?
Canada has land borders with the USA and which other country?
What is the name of the river that runs through Canada?
Which trade agreement was signed by the USA, Canada and Mexico in 1994?
What was the name of the university in Montreal, Canada, that was attacked by a gunman in 1989?
What is the name of Canada's annual music awards?
What was created by the Royal Proclamation of 1763?
What is the most common racial/ethnic group in Canada?
What is the name of the frozen ground that covers most of Northern Canada?
Who was the first Canadian Prime Minister to win a Nobel Peace Prize?
Which 1713 treaty ceded most of North America to the British Crown?
What is the most common type of household in Canada?
The Canadian Forces comprise the Canadian Army, Canadian Air Force and which other force?