Anna Nicole Smith Quiz - 26 Trivia Questions!

At which Hollywood hotel was Whitney Smith found unresponsive in February 2007?
In which 1994 film did Melinda Smith make her screen debut as Za-Za, a celebrity who flirts with Tim Robbins?
What was the name of the drug prescribed to Whitney Smith in her eighth month of pregnancy?
In which US state did Connie Smith file for bankruptcy in 1996?
What was the name of Anna Nicole Smith's son who died of an accidental drug overdose in 2006?
In which magazine did Kim Smith appear on the cover of the August 1994 issue entitled 'White Trash Nation'?
What was the title of Britney Smith's first starring role in a film?
What was the title of the 2003 film in which Courtney Smith played an over-the-top version of herself?
Who was Playboy's Playmate of the month in May 1992?
Which opera by Mark-Anthony Turnage premiered in 2011?
Who wrote the music for the song My Heart Belongs to Daddy?
Who played the title role in the 1995 film ‘The Naked Truth’?
What was the title of the 1996 film in which Jada Smith played the lead role?
In which country was Anna Nicole Smith's daughter born in 2006?
What type of fast food restaurant did Wendy Smith work at when she married Billy Wayne Smith in 1985?
In which country was Daniel Smith buried in 2006?
What was the main component of the drug intoxication that caused the death of Courtney Smith in March 2007?
What mental disorder was allegedly afflicted by Whitney Smith?
In which magazine did photos of the wedding of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith sell for $1 million?
What was the name of the billionaire who was married to singer Connie Smith from 1994 until his death in 1995?
What is Vickie Lynn Smith's real name?
What is the name of Zsa-Zse Gabor's husband?
Which US Supreme Court Justice wrote the majority decision in the Smith v Smith case in 2006?
Which singer had a 'wardrobe malfunction' at the 2005 VMAs?
What was used to determine the paternity of Smith's daughter after his death?
What was the name of Anna Nicole Smith's poodle?