American Horror Story Quiz - 34 Trivia Questions!
Step into the twisted and enigmatic universe of 'American Horror Story,' the acclaimed anthology series created by Ryan Murphy. Test your knowledge of the show's chilling characters and unsettling storylines in this quiz.
Who created the American Horror Story TV series?
Which actress won an Emmy for her role in American Horror Story?
Who played the detective Patrick Read in the 1981 film 'Big Daddy'?
Which writers union halted filming of the 12th season of Game of Thrones in 2023 due to a strike?
Which company bought 20th Century Fox in March 2019?
Who plays the detective John Lowe in the US television series ‘Hotel Cortez’?
In which US city was the pilot episode of the TV series 'The Haunted House' filmed?
Who plays Ethel Darling in the US television series ‘Freak Show’?
What colour is the title text on the opening sequence of the US television series ‘Asylum’?
Who composed the theme music for the TV series 'The Walking Dead'?
What is the title of the eighth season of American Horror Story?
Which reality TV star was announced as a cast member of the 12th season of American Idol in April 2023?
Who plays the part of Vivien Harmon in the US television series ‘The Harmons’?
What is shown in the opening sequence of the TV series ‘Hotel’?
Which US President was played by Neal McDonough in the film Death Valley?
What was the name of the house featured in the first season of American Horror Story?
What is the name of the second season of American Horror Story?
What was the title of the ninth season of American Horror Story?
In which US city was the third season of 'Dallas' filmed?
What is the name of the lobster boy in the US television series ‘Freak Show’?
What type of animal rode a bicycle in the opening sequence of the TV series Freak Show?
Who plays the Countess of Cortez in the fifth season of the US TV series ‘The Vampire Diaries’?
In the TV series 'Red Tide', which Massachusetts town is the setting for the series?
Who is the latest actress to join the cast of American Idol, after making her debut in 2015?
In which US state is the seventh season of Game of Thrones being filmed?
What was the title of the first episode of 'Double Feature'?
What colony is the setting for the sixth season of the American TV series ‘Disappearance’?
Who played the part of Audrey Tindall in the TV series 'Return to Roanoke'?
What is the name of the typeface used in the title sequence for the US television series ‘Dallas’?
On which US TV channel does the drama series 'The Strain' premiere?
In which US state is the second season of the TV series 'Dallas' set?
Murder House is the title of the first season of which US TV series?
What was the name of the camp in the 1984 film Camp Redwood?
What is the name of the haunted house in the US television series ‘Asylum’?