Albert Einstein Quiz - 65 Trivia Questions!
Unlock the secrets of the universe with the Albert Einstein quiz. Explore the life and groundbreaking theories of the legendary physicist who redefined our understanding of space, time, and gravity.
Who reinterpreted Einstein's Theory of Relativity in geometric terms as a theory of spacetime?
In which German city was Albert Einstein born?
Which Indian physicist suggested that light could be described as a gas of indistinguishable particles?
Which German physicist introduced the concept of zero-point energy in 1913?
In which English town did Albert Einstein land on his landing card in 1933?
In which year did Albert Einstein publish his Theory of Relativity?
Which German physicist persuaded Albert Einstein to move to Berlin in 1913?
Which British Prime Minister met Albert Einstein at his home?
Which Charlie Chaplin film premiered with Albert Einstein and his wife Elsa?
Who was the Nazi Minister of Propaganda who ordered the burning of books by Albert Einstein?
Who discovered the recession of the galaxies in 1929, which led to Einstein's theory of a dynamic universe?
Which film star was friends with Albert Einstein and Upton Sinclair?
In which city was the Hebrew University founded in 1925 by Albert Einstein?
In 1930, Albert Einstein was offered a research Fellowship at which US university?
Which physicist criticized Einstein's theory of gravitational waves?
What was the name of Albert Einstein's second cousin who he married in 1912?
Who was the long-time collaborator of Albert Einstein?
Who was the President of Caltech at the time of Albert Einstein's visit?
Which scientist was a member of the League of Nations with Albert Einstein and Hendrik Lorentz?
What was the subject of Albert Einstein's letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt on the eve of World War II?
What name was given to the idea that energy is exchanged only in discrete amounts?
Who did Albert Einstein describe as 'a role model for the generations to come'?
What group of people were banned from teaching at universities in Germany in 1933?
In which country did Albert Einstein escape from Germany in 1933?
In which Belgian city did Albert Einstein surrender his passport to the Nazis in 1933?
In which continent did Albert Einstein travel in 1925?
Albert Einstein was a founding member of which political party in 1918?
In which city did Albert Einstein complete his Theory of Relativity?
What is the name of the theory developed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that reconciles the laws of electricity and magnetism?
Who did Albert Einstein debate about quantum theory with in 1925?
Who did Albert Einstein describe as 'Wielding the Weapon of Moral Power'?
What was the name of the American university where Albert Einstein took up a position in 1933?
What did Albert Einstein publish in 1919 that made him one of the most famous scientists of all time?
In which US state was Albert Einstein cremated?
In physics, what is the name for the effect of photons striking a metal plate and ejecting electrons?
Albert Einstein won a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work in what field?
Which university has the right to the use of Albert Einstein's name?
What is the name of the theorem that relates the conservation of energy and momentum to the theory of general relativity?
What is the name of the particle associated with a wave?
What was the first name of physicist Einstein?
In which city did Albert Einstein live from 1921 to 1922?
What musical instrument did Albert Einstein play?
Which mathematician and physicist was a close friend of Albert Einstein?
Which paper by Albert Einstein is considered a centrepiece of the development of quantum information theory?
Which organisation created a secret dossier on Albert Einstein in 1932?
Albert Einstein was offered the position of President of which country in 1952?
In which country was Albert Einstein when he was forced to flee from Germany in 1933?
What is the name of Einstein's theory of gravity?
In the 1970s, gravitational waves were first observed in the orbit of what?
What did Albert Einstein call himself?
At which university did Albert Einstein complete his doctorate in 1905?
What is the name of the paradox posed by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in 1935?
Albert Einstein taught at the University of which European city from 1908 to 1911?
"What is ""the search and striving for"" one of the highest of man's qualities?"
Which future President of Israel was married to Albert Einstein's wife Vera?
What was Albert Einstein's religion?
Who was the favourite philosopher of Albert Einstein?
In which German kingdom was Albert Einstein born?
What is the name of the constant in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity?
Which physicist supported Einstein's work on wave theory?
At which university did Albert Einstein work?
What is the name of the black circle that covers the sun in a dark sky?
What did Albert Einstein describe in a 1905 paper published in Annalen der Physik?
Planck's Law is a law in which branch of physics?
Which physicist discovered the 'Quantum Inequality' in 1964?